
Researchers have been studying the ideas and the methods of professional mathematicians and their processes for solving highly complex mathematical problems. Mathematicians had an intuitive grasp of numbers and the relationships between numbers. They did not follow the formulas and algorithms taught to elementary students. They never “carried the two” or cross-multiplied after flipping the denominator or any of the other little tips and tricks that traditional mathematics taught, or if they did, they understood why it worked.
The curriculum developed by Genius Development Workshop helps students learn all the mathematical techniques required in International Mathematical Olympiad and in public examinations, and more importantly, we help students understand why they work. We teach children multiple ways of attempting to solve a problem and promote strategic critical thinking and creative problem solving. We encourage children to take initiative or find alternative methods to come to the same right answer.
We incorporate perseverance and critical, strategic reasoning into the standards. Children at the Genius classroom know that if one way does not work, then perhaps a different method will. They know that different problems require different approaches. Our students are prepared for the world as they are able to identify the problem and strategically think through the different tools for problem solving, and then choose the best one. If that method fails, then they always have backup tools for problem solving. And they always know how to check their work using different methods.
Here in the Genius classroom, we are helping children reach their full potential, unlocking their imagination and preparing them for a bright future. The sky is the limit for children in the Genius classroom.

學習數學的最好方法是理論和實踐相結合。這就是我們在 Genius Development 教授數學的方式。通過了解 Genius 導師所教授的著名數學家背後的理論和故事,您的孩子會變得更加好奇。利用這種好奇心,我們引入數學概念和實際工作,以最大限度地發揮您孩子在 數學方面取得優異成績的潛力。此外,我們非常強調數學在現實生活中的快速應用。這樣,所學的知識將把您的孩子變成天才!
數學可能是一門棘手的學科,但它不一定是一門難的學科。 在數學中學到的邏輯概念和批判性思維可以應用於日常生活的許多方面。 這就是具有 7 個關鍵組成部分的課程結構的概念和設計的基本原理。
• 算術
• 時間和空間
• 代數
• 幾何學
• 數論
• 排列和組合
• 應用
Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive numbers, negative numbers, decimals and fractions. Simplification of fractions. Order of operations (BIDMAS).
Solving and graphing linear equations, linear inequalities, quadratic equations and quadratic inequalities. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of polynomials. Factorization. Exponential functions and logarithmic functions.
Number Theory
Square numbers and perfect cubes. Prime numbers. Greatest common factor and least common multiple. Euclidean Algorithm. Modular arithmetic.
Mixture problems. Problems about rates of work. Finding the maxima and minima of graphs. Volume of a solid of revolution. Area of a surface of revolution.
Time and Space
The concept of distance, speed and time. Linear motion and curvilinear motion. Relative velocity between two moving objects.
Lines and angles. Area and volume of plane figures and space figures. Circle properties. Congruence and similarity. Trigonometry. Polar coordinates. Polar curves. Conic sections.
Permutations and Combinations
Counting theory. Fundamental principle of counting. Permutations. Combinations. Basics of Probability. Complements and Venn diagrams.